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Most professional engineers can't build an app from scratch

Learn how to build fast modern webapps from idea to launch with ServerlessReact.Dev

You're a brilliant engineer. Great at your job. Someone gives you a spec and you get it done. Bam πŸ’ͺ

But you can't ship a product on your own.

You work with others. They're slow. They're busy. There's meetings. Committees. Pull requests. Managers. Approvals. So much work about work that doesn't deliver value to users.

Every little thing involves a designer, a JavaScript expert, a CSS professional, a backend engineer, a database person, the QA team, the devops folks, the ...

It takes you months to turn a star button into a like button.


What if you could grab an idea by the horns and build the damn thing? Own a feature from start to finish?

The fullstack frontend engineer

You want to become a fullstack frontend engineer, my friend. The kind of person who gets an idea, project, or feature, and builds it. The whole thing. From scratch. Start to finish.

Most engineers hem and haw, wring their arms, think real hard, and give up. The blank editor steals their juice.

Sit down, great idea in mind. And then ... shit, how do I start?

Artists call this The Blank Canvas Effect, writers have the blank page, engineers ... the greenfield project?


But why? Why can't most engineers build something from scratch?

Amazing engineers creating great value for their companies. And they just never get the chance to build something for real.

There's a story on HackerNews from a Google engineer. Brilliant guy with a sneaking suspicion he's gotten lazy.

I never challenge myself to deeply learn about what I'm doing, it's almost like I've been using only 10% of my mental capacity for work Even when I get a meaningful project, all I do is copy code from the internal codebase and patch things together until they work.

Sound familiar?

That's how it works in a mature product.

You have this massive codebase and your job is to make small adjustments. A tweak here, a trim there, a loving refactor over yonder.

Maintenance. That's all they want.

Your job is to understand the codebase and know where to find existing solutions to new problems. Like a taxi driver that knows every street in London.

When you do build a new feature, the hard part is making it fit into the codebase. Oh and finding all the legos.

but the legos are already there you never build from scratch

Don't you want to invent new legos, my friend? Is software gardening what you became an engineer for?

Dude, sometimes you and Sean talk about these things so casually and it's like I know the words, but how it all relates together just doesn't make any sense

A fresh engineer whispered that to me. Ashamed almost.

Mate, there's no shame. You've been an engineer for a year. Sean and I have been at it for decades. We've seen it all.

Basics we take for granted, people just don't learn anymore. It's a solved problem. Click a button and you're done.

Someone else did the hard work for you.

Like how to set up a server? Spin up a database? Send an HTTP request? Deal with AJAX? Hacks before websockets? How HTML works? Where does CSS come in? How to create a user? Where to store data? How to make sure your data is safe? Where do you CDN? Why would you CDN? What should you process on the frontend? What on the backend? What's the point of compiling your code? When does it not make sense to build static? Why is code faster the 2nd time it runs? What's a cache?

Layers upon layers of technology that you're vaguely aware of and don't quite understand. A friend asks you to build a website and you don't even know where to begin.

You're just an expert in a tiny little niche. Maybe you're the best UI engineer in the world, or a CSS grand master, killing it at React, or the best person that's ever walked the planet when it comes to complex data processing pipelines.

And that means you're always relying on others. You can't own a project. You can't build that oasis where all code is perfect just like you.

When you build yourself, YOU get to build the legos πŸŽ‰

And that's exciting! And a little scary.

The internet is changing, my friend.

Users are running away from ad-supported behemoths, tired of companies selling their data, invading privacy, and ruining apps with endless A/B testing. We the users are tired of "free".

Users want YOU to understand their pain and fix it. It's 2020 and users love to pay. Users want to be customers.

The indie hacker is back.

Forget launching a startup, raising a bunch of money, and capturing the market until everyone hates you. That's so 2010.

Startups are all fun and games until the VC cash runs out, my friend. Now tech layoffs are on the rise. Even engineers.

What if your side business made $1,000+/month?

You could do what my favorite financial advisor Lucy Liu suggests πŸ‘‰ build a fuck you fund.

A fuck you fund is the ultimate freedom. Even if it's small.

The difference between living paycheck-to-paycheck and having just 1 month of savings can mean the difference between enduring a bad job and quitting.

Buy time

You can buy time to spend with your friends, your family, your kids, or just reading that book you always wanted to.

Where does your time go?

Chores. Commuting. Cleaning. Groceries. Cooking. Annoying phone calls. The daily trappings of life.

Someone else can do that.

For example: my girlfriend and I splurge on weekly cleaners. They make our house look spotless and it's amazing. 😍

2 frustrating hours of our life that we can spend at the farmer's market instead. Yes we're that couple.

Buy expertise

If you have a problem and the money to solve it, you don't have a problem.

Here's a crazy example of using money to solve problems.

Last year I got a job offer. Cool opportunity, right in my wheel-house, big impact for the company.

So I said yes and jumped in their arms, right?

Nope. I hired a salary negotiation expert.

For \$3000, I could sit back and relax. No worries about negotiation, no anguish over what to say, no pangs about pushing too far. "I got you, Swiz, I've done this hundreds of times. Don't worry" he said.

Worth every penny. But only because I could.

Money πŸ‘‰ freedom, time, and expertise.

Don't think you can build an app that makes \$1,000/month?

Here's 5 real businesses built by folks just like you. Engineers hacking on the side, solving real problems for real people. Shared by some of my internet friends.

CSS Scan

Guilherme Rizzo built CSS Scan because he

always wanted to know what border-radius, box-shadow or font-family an element I see has. So, inspired by WhatFont? I decided to create a tool that wherever you point your mouse over, you get the computed CSS of the element. That was the initial idea.

It solves a problem we all have and are too lazy to fix.

He's been averaging \$1,000/month in sales. Mostly from twitter followers, building an audience, and reaching out to CSS influencers.

I didn't even know there were CSS influencers​.


Doka boggles the mind. It's a javascript library making almost \$6,000/month, which is more than 1k. But damn! A LIBRARY.

Rik Schennink built Doka to solve this problem: A good image editor in the browser.

I was trying to find a JavaScript image editor, IMHO they just weren't good enough, so I decided to build one myself. Doka makes image editing easy for both the user and the developer. The UX feels native and the product can be integrated by a developer in just a couple minutes. Most of my customers find Doka via FilePond (MIT licensed file upload component), it's quite popular so it sends traffic to Doka.

Solid Book

Khalil Stemmler is writing Solid Book to teach developers how to write testable, flexible, and maintainable code.

I got the idea to work on this book after having spent over \$800 on software books in order to learn how to fix a terrible codebase (that only I myself could blame for having designed). It made me realize that not a lot has changed about software in the past 40 years, but all those teachings have been spread out across several books. I wanted to create an introductory resource for junior to mid-level developers to mimimize their unknown unknowns about software design & architecture.

So Khalil built a serverless JAMStack site for the book, added a buy button, and now Google and his blog are bringing enough traffic to make almost \$2k/month.

You go Khalil πŸ’ͺ

Jon's productized consulting

Productized consulting is a half-step between selling your time and selling a product. A great step towards freedom.

Jon Major Condon is using this approach to make money mentoring very junior students on the basics of React. You know, the sort of stuff he's forgotten he's learned.

Each year I do a lot of software related mentoring. Recently I’ve adventured into paid mentorship. I am working with a company remotely helping their student developers get up to speed in React. Although I am split into multiple channels, I’ve found opportunities to make money in each channel. I’ve found my passion for learning and growing has really been the driving factor into me starting my side hustle.

A great example of someone who's just starting to business seriously.

Burner Mail

Sergiu Calborean built Burner Mail to solve the email privacy problem. How do you sign up for fun things online without getting a bunch of spam later?

We decided to create Burner Mail out of our own frustration with being spammed and being targets for scammers. Burner Mail is a tool for generating burner email addresses. Instead of giving your personal email address, Burner Mail generates a unique and anonymous email for every service to protect your personal email address from spam, scams, data breaches, and identity theft.

Sergiu also mentioned they're making about \$1400/month right now. Good job πŸ‘

Tin Mustard

A mysterious twitter follower shared just this link πŸ‘‰ Tin Mustard. Named after himself it's an artisanal mustard that sells \$1,000/month.

Mustard. Online. \$1,000.

The internet truly is a magical place.

Swizec pitching his first startup in 2010
Swizec pitching his first startup in 2010

When I created my first startup in 2010 we wanted to build an algorithmic feed AI. Wild crazy idea at the time.

Can you guess the hardest part?

That's right!

Charging money. Hosting. A scalable backend. A JS frontend. A clean API. A fast database. Those were the hardest.

Fast forward 10 years and everything is different. We're in the middle of an inflection point in how webapps are built.

YOU can do the whole thing.

It’s never been so easy to build a webapp and make your first \$1,000/month, my friend. Exciting times!

10 years ago The Cloud was in its infancy. AWS was just 4 years old, GoogleAppEngine 2 years.

Debate raged at our hacker space πŸ‘‡

Should you use Cloud? Host on bare metal? Poke one of the 10 friends with a hosting company? Use the PC running in your bedroom?

We picked AppEngine. It promised "web scale". Gave us a NoSQL database – a new concept at the time – and everything else we needed to grow super hella fast.

Monetization? Please, PayPal is too hard ... we'll do it later. Once we have millions of users.

JavaScript webapp? Heck no. Ain't nobody got time for that. Cobbling HTML together on every request using Django, the python framework, is where it's at my friend.

After months of building we were ready to launch.

Our credit card melted instantly. 6 months later I was kicked out of the company.

Times have changed, my friend. I only realized how much they've changed during Pat Walls's 24hour startup challenge in late 2018.

Can you build & launch a startup in 24 hours? Do it live on stream!

Pat is crazy. There's no way.

Fuck it let's try.

12 hours later TechLetter.App was born. 😳

Best part? It made $4 in sales and I use it to create emails for my newsletter and it costs $0/month to run.

Emails that get comments like this

The hyper productive modern stack is here, my friend. All the pieces are coming together.

I love inflection points 😍

After a year of research, it's still too early to name winners. What I can tell you is the outline. A sketch of what the future holds.

– serverless backends Serverless is eating the backend. The cloud moved us from physical to logical servers and code stayed the same. That's changing. No more servers, just functions.

– progressive web apps – PWA Webapps are going progressive. An offline-first approach makes webapps work offline and stay fast in areas with spotty internet. Optimistic updates keep your UI fresh, you sync data when possible. Much like a mobile app.

– JAMStack hosting your progressive webapp is a static asset. It don't need no servers. Host it with a JAMStack provider and let them handle advanced caching, CDN config, DNS routing, continuous deployment, and everything else. You just get a blazing fast app.

– GraphQL changes the API layer. Write complex queries on the frontend, expose data on the backend, agree on data types and let GraphQL handle the rest. No more begging backend engineers to add a parameter, no more gigantic payloads with ten times more data than you need.

– design systems take over we're achieving the dream everyone promised: A designer creates your styles and you don't have to fiddle around. Build UI with a suite of [open source] components and it always comes out looking perfect.

– more full-stack engineers with backend simplified to "just JavaScript functions" and system complexity handled by serverless providers, everyone can own the full stack again. Write your frontend code, add a function to the backend, it's all the same.

The rise of indie hackers is my favorite result. YOU can build in a day or two what used to take a team of engineers weeks or months.

"i cant even imagine going back to REST it literally feels like working with jQuery" ~ @deadcoder0904

You're building an app. It needs data from a server. What do you do?

Oh, you make a fetch() request. Easy.

.then((res) => res.json())

And you get eeeevery piece of info about Luke Skywalker.

"name": "Luke Skywalker",
"height": "172",
"mass": "77",
"hair_color": "blond",
"skin_color": "fair",
"eye_color": "blue",
"birth_year": "19BBY",
"gender": "male",
"homeworld": "",
"films": [
"species": [""],
"vehicles": [
"starships": [
"created": "2014-12-09T13:50:51.644000Z",
"edited": "2014-12-20T21:17:56.891000Z",
"url": ""

Well that's annoying ... all you wanted was his name and hair color. Why's the API sending you all this crap? πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

And what's this about Luke's species being 1? What the heck is 1?

Okay, another fetch request.

.then((res) => res.json())

You get a bunch of data about humans. Great.

"name": "Human",
"classification": "mammal",
"designation": "sentient",
"average_height": "180",
"skin_colors": "caucasian, black, asian, hispanic",
"hair_colors": "blonde, brown, black, red",
"eye_colors": "brown, blue, green, hazel, grey, amber",
"average_lifespan": "120",
"homeworld": "",
"language": "Galactic Basic",
"people": [
"films": [
"created": "2014-12-10T13:52:11.567000Z",
"edited": "2015-04-17T06:59:55.850671Z",
"url": ""

That's a lot of data just to get the word "Human" out of the Star Wars API, my friend.

What about all of Luke's starships? There's just 2 and yet that's 2 more API requests ...

.then((res) => res.json())
.then((res) => res.json())

You've just made 4 API requests and transferred a shitload of data to find out that Luke Skywalker is human, has blond hair, and flies an X-Wing and an Imperial Shuttle.


GraphQL to the rescue

Here's what that same process looks like with GraphQL.

query luke {
Person(name: "Luke Skywalker") {
species {
starships {

And the API returns exactly what you wanted with a single request.

"data": {
"Person": {
"name": "Luke Skywalker",
"hairColor": ["BLONDE"],
"species": [
"name": "Human"
"starships": [
"name": "X-wing"
"name": "Imperial shuttle"

Wait what 😲

An API mechanism that gives you total flexibility on the frontend, slashes API requests to almost nothing, and doesn't transfer a bunch of data you don't need?

That's amazing!

You write a query, specify what you want, send to an endpoint, and GraphQL figures out the rest. Want different params? Just say so. Want multiple models? Got it. Wanna go deep? You can.

I fell in love the moment it clicked.

GraphQL even better with hooks

You don't need much to make a basic GraphQL client. A post request to the right URL will do.

Where GraphQL really shines is with React hooks. I like to use @apollo/react-hooks.

You get a pattern like this:

import { useQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks"
import gql from "graphql-tag"
// define the graphql query
const PERSON_QUERY = gql`
query person($name: String!) {
Person(name: $name) {
species {
starships {
// a component that fetches data and displays it
const Person = ({ name }) => {
const { loading, data } = useQuery(PERSON_QUERY, {
variables: {
return loading ? (
<p>Fetching ...</p>
) : (
{} is a {data.Person.hairColor[0]}{" "}
{data.Person.species[0].name} and flies around in{" "}
{ =>", ")}

Render <Person name="luke skywalker" /> and it first says Fetching ... then changes into Luke Skywalker is a BLONDE Human and flies around in X-wing, Imperial shuttle.

Not the perfectest English but that's way better than cobbling together 4 API requests. ✌️

Then use <Person name="chewbacca" /> to learn about Chewie.

All without changing a bunch of Redux state, coordinating a bazillion API requests, dealing with smart components, dumb components, presentational components, data stores, caching, configuration, permissions, anything. It just works.


What GraphQL enables and hooks facilitate is the Edge First Architecture on the frontend. You can think of it sort of as edge computing applied to your components.

The past few years of React common sense taught us to put everything in a global store. Almost everything. Anything that multiple components might need.

You get a unidirectional data flow, easy to understand state transitions, and a total mess of an impenetrable state tree as your app grows. Things slow down, debugging gets hard, and help you god if you can't keep the entire app in your head. I'm looking at you sagas πŸ˜’

With edge first, we turn that upside-down. The edge does the work

Look at the <Person /> component.

// a component that fetches data and displays it
const Person = ({ name }) => {
const { loading, data } = useQuery(PERSON_QUERY, {
variables: {
return loading ? (
<p>Fetching ...</p>
) : (
{} is a {data.Person.hairColor[0]}{" "}
{data.Person.species[0].name} and flies around in{" "}
{ =>", ")}

It's doing all the work. Fetches its own data, deals with loading states, maybe errors, displays the result when ready.

You can put this anywhere in your app and it Just Worksβ„’. No props to pass in, no hooking into global state, no coordination.

Self-contained. Beautiful.

Internally, useQuery talks to a global context, coordinates similar API requests, adds a caching layer, and ensures that even if you render <Person name="luke skywalker" /> twice in a row, performance doesn't suffer.

Which is more than you've ever ensured with a global store and a lot of hard work isn't it? Sure is more than I have πŸ˜‡

You're building an app. It needs to store some data. What do you do?


You start a RubyOnRails project, create a model for your data, add routes for reading and writing, add some glue code in your controller, install the JBuilder gem, write a JSON view, create a migration file, run the Postgres database locally, start your Rails app and you're ready to test.

Then you go to AWS, create a new EC2 instance, pick from a billion Linux distributions, set up an HTTP server like Nginx, run your Rails app, add a cronjob to restart the app when it dies, buy a new domain on Namecheap, set up its DNS servers, wait a few hours, point the domain to your server ...

... and you haven't even set up the production database server yet.

Your virtual server and its database are running 24/7. Unless they die. You're in charge of keeping them up, maintaining configuration, and paying for every second of the day even if nobody uses your app.

Yes, services like Heroku make it easier. At least you can deploy with a git push.

And after all that you still have to host the webapp somewhere. Set up a static file server, configure a CDN for speed, optimize JavaScript builds for production, and find a way to avoid hitting Rails every time someone needs a CSS file.

It's a lot of work.

Took us weeks of engineering time at my day job. πŸ˜…

Serverless to the rescue

The simplest serverless backends look just like functions.

export const handler = async (event: APIGatewayEvent) => {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: "Hello πŸ‘‹",

That's all it takes. That's a server 😍

To build a backend to store some data with serverless and GraphQL you need just 2 files:

  • an infrastructure definition
  • a function that creates a GraphQL server

infrastructure as code

service: example
# Define provider and runtime
name: aws
runtime: nodejs12.x
stage: dev
# these are env vars
ITEM_TABLE: ${self:service}-items-${self:provider.stage}
# AWS is strict about permissions :)
- Effect: Allow
- dynamodb:Query
- dynamodb:Scan
- dynamodb:GetItem
- dynamodb:PutItem
- dynamodb:UpdateItem
- dynamodb:DeleteItem
Resource: "arn:aws:dynamodb:${opt:region, self:provider.region}:*:table/${self:provider.environment.ITEM_TABLE}"
# define a /graphql function
handler: dist/graphql.handler
- http:
path: graphql
method: GET
cors: true
- http:
path: graphql
method: POST
cors: true
# create a DynamoDB table
Type: "AWS::DynamoDB::Table"
- AttributeName: itemId
AttributeType: S
- AttributeName: itemId
KeyType: HASH
ReadCapacityUnits: 1
WriteCapacityUnits: 1
TableName: ${self:provider.environment.ITEM_TABLE}

That yaml defines your whole infrastructure. Specifies which endpoints you want, what functions should run, and even creates your database.

Infrastructure as code means you always know exactly what's running in production. Every branch of your project can use something different, every feature can add what it needs, and you never have to mess around by hand. ✌️

a small GraphQL server

import { ApolloServer, gql } from "apollo-server-lambda";
// this is where we define the shape of our API
const schema = gql`
type Item {
itemId: String
property1: String
property2: String
type Query {
item(itemId: String): Item
type Mutation {
createItem(property1: String, property2: String): Item
// this is where the shape maps to functions
const resolvers = {
Query: {
// read an item from the database and return
item: async (_: any, { itemId }: ItemParams) => {
const result = await getItem({
TableName: process.env.ITEM_TABLE!,
Key: { itemId }
return result.Item
Mutation: {
// write item to the database
createItem: async (_: any, { property1, property2 }:ItemParams) => {
const itemId = uuidv4();
const result = await updateItem({
TableName: process.env.ITEM_TABLE!,
Key: {
UpdateExpression: "SET property1 = :property1, property2 = :property2",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":property1": property1,
":property1": property2
ReturnValues: "ALL_NEW"
return result.Attributes;
// Create a GraphQL server
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs: schema, resolvers });
export const handler = server.createHandler({
cors: {
origin: "*", // for security in production, lock this to your real endpoints
credentials: true

And you're done.

You've defined the shape of your API with a GraphQL schema, mapped it to resolver functions, and created a server. All with a couple of JavaScript functions.

GraphQL machinery takes care of data transformations and understanding queries. Serverless machinery takes care of setting up your servers, keeping them running, and exposing a URL to the world.

Your frontend skills transfer directly to the backend. If you can write a JavaScript function, you can write your backend. And that's amazing, my friend.

Learn how to build fast modern webapp from idea to launch with ServerlessReact.Dev

ServerlessReact.Dev is a video course that shows you how to build a modern webapp from scratch to launch using the hyper productive modern web stack.

You'll learn everything you need to become a fullstack frontend engineer.

ServerlessReact.Dev is focused on practical examples and showing you the whole process. Warts and all.

When you follow a polished tutorial, you learn how to build that thing. But your skills don't transfer. And when something goes wrong, you're stuck.

With ServerlessReact.Dev you get a behind-the-scenes look. I'll show you how to debug problems, how to design a solution, where to start, and when to say good enough.

Learn the pragmatic way to build modern apps.

We start with some theory, learn the stack, do some practical exercises to get a feel for technologies, then build a whole app. From a list of features to accepting payments.

ServerlessReact.Dev covers the exciting new technologies that represent the future of web development. Get ahead of this exciting new paradigm shift.

– Learn how to build blazing fast static-first React apps with Gatsby

– Learn how to use GraphQL to minimize API requests

– Leverage design systems to build beautiful apps without designers

– Serverless technologies for adding functionality on the server

– Store and manage data in a database

– Payments integration

– Authenticate users and keep track of their accounts

– JAMStack deployments for production-ready frontend code

– The Edge First Architecture for frontend state management using React Hooks

Buy once forever yours.


297Β 197
Learn the modern stack
learn Gatsby
learn GraphQL
learn Serverless
design system philosophy
Edge First Architecture with hooks
user authentication
user authorization
build an entire app
full source code for all modules
subtitled video lessons

Indie Hacker

379Β 279
Learn the modern stack & Launch your app
1-on-1 Roadmapping session for your idea
learn Gatsby
learn GraphQL
learn Serverless
design system philosophy
Edge First Architecture with hooks
user authentication
user authorization
build an entire app
full source code for all modules
subtitled video lessons

30 day moneyback guarantee.

What people are saying

  • β€œI work with React but I want to learn the other technologies and how to use them with react”

    • dado90

  • β€œI'm a React Dev, I wanted to get a boost further”

    • Samer

  • β€œI want to learn the full process of building a web app from start to finish using React and Serverless Technologies (could it be with AWS?)”

    • Ricardo Respo

  • β€œI'm interested in the JAM stack and in AWS Serverless, but all of the examples for tutorials I found are boring.”

    • Rui

I try to answer every question and wanted to reach out with the most common questions I'm seeing. Just in case you're too shy to ask :)

Yes. The techniques and mental models I teach in ServerlessReact.Dev come from 15 years of industry experience. Everything from one-off websites at a web agency, toy prototypes, and systems running at Fortune 500 companies.

Past few years I've been at a startup from Engineer 2 to making 7-figures in annual revenue. Building everything from complex webapps to data processing pipelines handling millions of datapoints per day.

That means I've seen the progression from a quick prototype to a rock-solid distributed system and I know the pain points you'll hit at each step.

The live video series worked like a code-along. We built and app and discovered lessons along the way.

That's great if you have time to watch the entire 20 hours of video like a hawk.

Where ServerlessReact.Dev differs is that it still gives you the code-along experience in Modules 3 and 4, but starts with key lessons and takeaways from the build.

You get a more detailed section about the architecture, key lessons, and mental models to use when building your apps. There's also practice exercises and embedded playgrounds so you can try your new skills before jumping into a huge project.

The app is different too :)

The app we build aims to strike a balance between complex enough to exercise the modern web stack and simple enough to build in a few hours. You don't wanna watch a 50 hour tutorial πŸ˜‰

But it's still a real app I wanted to build and launch. Maybe turn into a business of its own.

So we're building MarkdownLandingPage – an app that lets you write your next landing page. Write a bunch of markdown, hit a button, get a beautiful landing page.

It's like square space for nerds. Or a sort of headless CMS, if you will.

ServerlessReact.Dev is completely self-paced and your access never expires. There's no time limit or a group you have to chase.

Join the course, watch videos when you can. If something doesn't click, watch it again as many times as you need. You can hit me up on email or twitter with questions and I'll try to help.

The more work you put in, the faster it's gonna go.

But I know what it's like, I am the world's worst course completer. There's just so much other stuff you gotta do in life.

That's why ServerlessReact.Dev is designed for busy people like you.

The first 2 or 3 hours give you 80% of the value. The rest goes into more detail, shows you examples, and discusses different options and approaches.

Sorry, no location discounts for now.

I'm from Slovenia and I know what it's like to look at a high value course and think "Damn that's expensive, I could never afford that"

And I also know what it's like to leverage these skills and start making $100,000/year as a software engineer. Or launch that $1,000/month sidehustle.

ServerlessReact.Dev will pay for itself within a year.

We talked about GraphQL, React, and Serverless, but you're an engineer and you want details. I get it.

Just like our example app, the stack aims to strike a balance between easy to get started and good for the long term.

We use:

  • React (components)

  • Gatsby (static builds and speed)

  • Rebass (flexible design system)

  • useAuth (authentication hook)

  • Auth0 (authentication service)

  • Zeit/Netlify (JAMStack deploys)

  • Serverless Framework (AWS toolkit)

  • AWS Lambda (backend functions)

  • AWS DynamoDB (flexible database)

  • Apollo hooks (graphql frontend)

  • Apollo Server (graphql backend)

  • Stripe Checkout (payments)

And a few other libraries here and there.

They do! Both Netlify and Zeit added cloud function support mid 2019 and it's a great option for basic use-cases.

As much as I love the bleeding edge, it's better to stay a year or two behind the curve. Give technologies time to mature.

Even AWS Lambda only recently added critical features for complex usecases.

I believe going straight to AWS gives you more power, control, and flexibility in ways that you'll need.


You may have heard of CloudFormation and Terraform and those are beasts. The toolkit we use in ServerlessReact.Dev makes Serverless a joy to use while giving you the flexibility to drop down to AWS's native config when you need to.

After that, it's just JavaScript functions you already know to write :)

Engineers love this question. wHy DoNT yOU jUst ...


There's always a bunch of options. I've tried some of them, I haven't tried all. The stack you learn in ServerlessReact.Dev strikes a balance between ease of getting started and supporting you for the long term.

Firebase in particular is great for getting started and becomes a pain in the arse in the long term. Trust me, I've tried.

Vendor lock-in is a myth. You will never hit that problem and you're far more likely to shoot yourself in the foot trying to avoid it.

Oh the glass house architectures I've built in the name of fighting vendor lock-in that shattered at the slightest cough.

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You'll often see courses open and close many times per year. I hate that bullshit.

My courses stay available forever. Don't wanna learn now? That's okay, you can jump in at any time.

Learn how to build fast modern webapp from idea to launch with ServerlessReact.Dev

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Learn the modern stack
learn Gatsby
learn GraphQL
learn Serverless
design system philosophy
Edge First Architecture with hooks
user authentication
user authorization
build an entire app
full source code for all modules
subtitled video lessons

Indie Hacker

379Β 279
Learn the modern stack & Launch your app
1-on-1 Roadmapping session for your idea
learn Gatsby
learn GraphQL
learn Serverless
design system philosophy
Edge First Architecture with hooks
user authentication
user authorization
build an entire app
full source code for all modules
subtitled video lessons
Created bySwizecwith ❀️